30 in 30: Day Twenty-Three
Here is the courtyard of the Local House Restaurant, nearby to the Majlis Gallery. It's a lovely, picturesque place where you can try all...

30 in 30: Day Twenty-Two
This is one of many wind towers in crowning Bastakyia's traditional houses. This one is on a main alley, leading towards Ruler's Court....

30 in 30: Day Twenty
I've managed to catch up on the previous day to make it twenty paintings in twenty days so far, two thirds of the way there and just ten...

30 in 30: Day Nineteen
This painting is from inside the courtyard of the Alserkal Cultural Foundation Heritage House. The Heritage House was built in 1925 and...

30 in 30: Day Eighteen
Day Eighteen's painting is a little late as last night I attended the Art in Secret event at Al Serkal Avenue in Dubai. It was a very...

30 in 30: Day Seventeen
Today's view is of a market alleyway in Bastakiya with little shops selling local crafts, with the alley leading to the Al Majlis...

30 in 30: Day Sixteen
Today's painting for Day 16 of the Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days Challenge is my view from the White Mosque down an alleyway to the...

30 in 30: Day Fifteen
Halfway through the Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days Challenge! Today's is the view of a winding alleyway near the Orient House. Oil on...

30 in 30: Day Fourteen
This painting shows courtyard of a villa nearby the Philatelic Association House in old Bastakya. Oil on canvas 6" x 6" You can see all...

30 in 30: Day Thirteen
Yesterday's painting had a minaret tower of the white mosque in it, and here we are closer to it, with a view from one of the alleyways....