30 in 30 Day Twenty-Three
Isn't this chap just awesome! He looks so happy. And full of character. I am very pleased with this sketch :) If you would like to join...

30 in 30 Day Twenty-Two
I love the stern expression of his face. Drawing bushy beard was fun too! If you would like to join the challenge yourself, you can visit...

30 in 30 Day Twenty
I am very happy with details in this sketch. I feel that I am getting a bit better! :) If you would like to join the challenge...

30 in 30 Day Nineteen
Today quick sketch of back lighten figure. If you would like to join the challenge yourself, you can visit Leslie Satea's website and...

30 in 30 Day Eighteen
I think shading could be a bit darker on this one, especially around the nose. It is very refreshing to sketch every day. It brings al...

30 in 30 Day Seventeen
I absolutely love sketching curly hair, maybe because I have them myself. I am happy how they look at this drawing. If you would like to...

30 in 30 Day Sixteen
I found drawing this picture of Jessica Chastain very pleasant to do. I am very happy with it and I think it actually looks like her....

30 in 30 Day Fifteen
This time I decided to go a step further and create a double portrait. Principal in the school that I teach art have attended his...

30 in 30 Day Fourteen
I am getting more and more comfortable with drawing ,ale portraits. I am especially happy with shading of cheeks on this one. If you...

30 in 30 Day Thirteen
For my 30in30 challenge I've chosen to draw portraits, especially male ones as I haven't drawn a lot of these. If you would like to join...