30 in 30 Day Nineteen
Today quick sketch of back lighten figure. If you would like to join the challenge yourself, you can visit Leslie Satea's website and...

30 in 30 Day Eighteen
I think shading could be a bit darker on this one, especially around the nose. It is very refreshing to sketch every day. It brings al...

30 in 30 Day Seventeen
I absolutely love sketching curly hair, maybe because I have them myself. I am happy how they look at this drawing. If you would like to...

30 in 30 Day Sixteen
I found drawing this picture of Jessica Chastain very pleasant to do. I am very happy with it and I think it actually looks like her....

30 in 30 Day Fifteen
This time I decided to go a step further and create a double portrait. Principal in the school that I teach art have attended his...

30 in 30 Day Fourteen
I am getting more and more comfortable with drawing ,ale portraits. I am especially happy with shading of cheeks on this one. If you...

30 in 30 Day Thirteen
For my 30in30 challenge I've chosen to draw portraits, especially male ones as I haven't drawn a lot of these. If you would like to join...

30 in 30 Day Twelve
This January each morning I sit down and create a portrait sketch as a part of #30in30 challenge. I am happy with the way hair looks in...

30 in 30 Day Eleven
For this 30in30 Challenge I am trying to draw more male portraits. I am happy with make making on this one. It's more energetic and...

30 in 30 Day Ten
Very light sketch this time. I am especially pleased with chair and hand. If you would like to join the challenge yourself, you can visit...